One Credit Solution
Tradelines ..
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Score Boosting Tradelines
Boosting an individual’s credit score can be achieved by adding them as a authorized user on a credit card account (tradeline) with a perfect payment history, and low utilization. When the credit card reports to the credit bureaus each month, the positive credit history is copied to the authorized user’s credit report and the result is an increase in credit score.
One Credit Solution pays card holders, just like you, fees for adding our customers as authorized users to your credit card/s. Authorized users NEVER have access to spend money on the card holders account. They are paying strictly for the benefit of your credit card’s payment history appearing on their credit report. They don’t know who you are, where you live or anything about you.
You may have heard of parents adding their children to their credit card account as authorized users so that they can get a low interest first car loan – this process is credit boosting, sometimes also called credit piggybacking, it was made so that parents , family members , friends & co workers could assist in improving a persons credit situation without having to co-sign for a loan.
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The credit score you need is just a phone call away!
One Credit Solution uses our inventory of low balance, high limit and perfect payment history credit cards to boost your credit score. Credit Boosting, sometimes called Credit Piggybacking, is achieved by adding your name as Authorized User to one of our cards for a set period of time. Once added as an authorized user, your credit score inherits positive factors that drastically increase your credit score (FICO® score) in less than 60 days – and we guarantee it!
These positive credit boosting factors include:
Increase limit to balance (utilization) ratio
Increased overall average age of revolving accounts
Perfect payment history
Unless otherwise stated, OCS and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material . All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may access this from OCS for your own personal use subjected to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.
How Do Tradelines Affect Your Credit?
As we discussed in our article on building credit, tradelines are the foundation of all credit, since your credit report is essentially a file made up of information about your tradelines and how well you manage them.
The biggest influences on your credit are your payment history, credit utilization, and credit age, so these are the most important factors to consider when thinking about the role each of your accounts plays in your overall credit picture.
Why Do Tradelines Work?
Tradelines have been around since the advent of the modern credit system. Virtually as long as credit cards have existed, people have wanted to be able to share access to their accounts with others, such as spouses, children, or employees.
However, the role of authorized users was not always considered equally by the credit bureaus. Until the Equal Opportunity Credit Act of 1974, creditors often used to report accounts that were shared by married couples as being only in the husband’s name. This prevented women from building up a credit history in their own names.
In response to this unequal treatment, ECOA was passed to prohibit discrimination in lending.
Regulation B is a section of ECOA that requires creditors to report spousal authorized user accounts to the credit bureaus and consider them when evaluating credit history. Since discrimination based on marital status is not allowed, this rule effectively requires the credit bureaus to treat all authorized user accounts the same.
It was as a result of this policy that the practice of becoming an authorized user emerged as a common and acceptable way for consumers with good credit to help their spouses, children, and loved ones build credit.
How Long Does a Tradeline Stay on Your Credit Report?
If you get an authorized user tradeline through a loved one or acquaintance, how long you stay on the tradeline is ultimately up to them. If you no longer want to be an authorized user, you may be able to remove yourself by calling the bank, or you may need to ask the primary cardholder to remove you.
If attaining a tradeline facilitated by our online platform, the tradeline will stay on your credit report for two reporting cycles, which is approximately two months.
After the two months of being an active authorized user is complete, you will be removed from the account and the tradeline will then appear as closed. A closed tradeline will often remain on your credit report for several years, but will still report as closed on your credit report.
How Do I Choose a Tradeline?
The two main factors that you need to take into account when choosing a tradeline are age and credit limit. For most people, we recommend buying older tradeline, because age and credit limit is usually the most important factor for a good tradeline
However, your strategy may vary depending on your specific goals. There are some situations in which the credit limit can be more important. Our credit Specialist have all the information & knowledge you need to help you choose a tradeline.
In choosing the right tradelines for you, it is helpful to be able to calculate your average age of accounts and utilization ratios. Need some help with the math? Try out our custom tradeline calculator, which does the work for you!
How Many Tradelines Do I Need?
How many tradelines you need depends on your specific situation. There are different cases in which consumers may want to get two or three tradelines, or sometimes even more, but there are other cases in which one tradeline will suffice.
If you really want to maximize your results and you have the ability to do so, getting multiple high-quality tradelines is ideal. However, if you are constrained to a limited choice of tradelines, it is usually best to focus your resources on one premium tradeline.
For more examples and information on how to decide how many tradelines to buy set up a FREE consultation with a credit Specialist Today.
How Tradelines Create Equal Opportunity
Historically, only those with privilege and wealth have been able to use the authorized user strategy. Those who do not have family members with good credit to ask for help, or could not afford the high cost of tradelines, have nowhere to turn, so their options are limited and often costly.
To us, it does not seem fair that some people have the option of becoming authorized users but others do not. By making tradelines accessible to everyone, we aim to bridge this gap and help provide a chance at equal opportunity for credit.